Please find attached the final report of the 38th session of the HLCM. You will find the HLCM discussion relating to the work of the Task Force in Section C, under the title “Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) for UN system personnel” (pgs. 8-11). Below is the conclusion of the session (paras.77-80), for ease of your reference:
The High-Level Committee on Management:
- Endorsed the Vision Statement and the set of Core Principles for a healthier, safer and more respectful UN workplace.
- Adopted the draft Framework for Affiliate/Standby/Non-UN Personnel, outlining voluntary measures, based on the Core Principles, for reference by UN organizations when contracting these categories of personnel.
- Adopted, for reference by HLCM member organizations, practical guidance for integrating Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) into Enterprise Risk Management Processes.
- Agreed to establish an Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Forum, led by WHO, to serve as a multidisciplinary interagency technical body to mainstream OSH and the tools developed by the Task Force in the UN system; to coordinate, revise and update relevant norms and standards; to further develop OSH risk management methodologies; and, to promote the integration of OSH risk management into the work of Resident Coordinators and UN Country Teams.